Company Profile
I joined an operating system company in California in the early days of personal computers in the mid-1980s, and have been involved in this industry for over 30 years. Don't miss the old days, but before the personal computer became a social infrastructure, many Japanese computer makers (now almost dead language) have developed various interesting products for the challenge, and some of them. Developed together.
However, many of these companies are no longer merged, and many senior engineers lament "Where did Japanese manufacturing go?"
There are many people (and myself) who haven't burned out yet, have left something behind, or want to do something. I started this company with the intention of working with such a person to launch something with a dream once again , preferably to the world (rather, assuming the world market from the beginning).
What is needed in this aging society if it originated in Japan at that time ? .. There are many when you think about it. Japan is truly a country full of challenges. Therefore, we will solve the problem as a solution and with a monthly rise (recurring). The tools will use the world's most advanced artificial intelligence, wearables, machine learning, data mining and, above all, analog circuits to edge AI devices. Besides, Japanese material technology is amazing. Japanese textiles and rubber products, semiconductors, especially sensors, are still at the top level. By combining these, you can solve problems, and the other party is not only people, but also cows, dogs, and cats.
AI programmer who can do soldering, 3D animation Unity is a professional, but for some reason it is a professional of milling machine and lathe processing, a chemical analyst who has put his life into biosensing as a hobby for 30 years, those who are particular about it, and when Apple was founded World-class engineers such as American engineers and British industrial design company (now also in charge of Huawei's smartphone external design) gathered, and it's awkward, awkward (some are messed up), but now it's the world We will make products that people want.
If you have the same feelings, why don't you join us?
Aim Technologies Co., Ltd.
Representative Mark Yoshimoto